Call to Action: South DeKalb Deserves Representation!


DeKalb County residents are entitled to commission representation! No representation for nine months? Unacceptable. Contact Chairman Max Burns and ask him to add the Draper Amendment to an election bill! Call 404-463-4184 or email before Thursday, March 21. See for details

♬ original sound - Rep. Saira Draper

Contact Chairman Max Burns and ask him to add the Draper Amendment to an election bill! Call 404-463-4184 or email before Thursday, March 21.

Suggested Correspondence:


Subject: Fill Dekalb’s vacant commissioner seat before Nov! Support the Draper AmendmentDear Chairman Burns,

My name is ___ and I am a DeKalb County resident.  My County Commissioner recently stepped down. Because of the "separate and apart" requirement under OCGA 21-2-540, DeKalb County cannot hold a special election to fill the vacant seat until November!  It is unacceptable that I won't have a representative on the DeKalb Commission for eight or more months!  I pay taxes and deserve to have my voice heard.

I know this issue has arisen in other counties in Georgia too, including yours. Will you help?

Please incorporate Rep. Saira Draper's amendment into existing election legislation this Thursday at your committee hearing. Draper Amendment 47 0088 would close the "separate and apart" loophole and allow DeKalb County to hold a special election in May to fill the commissioner vacancy.

Thank you for helping Georgia voters!

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